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IVF Pregnancy Symptoms

The symptoms of pregnancy after IVF treatment are similar to symptoms when a woman gets pregnant naturally. A woman's body can change, and signs of pregnancy can be visible, but some of them can be detected with a pregnancy test. This test checks the presence of the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin hormone (HCG) produced by the placenta of a pregnant woman. Also, we need to remember that every woman is different from another. That's why IVF pregnancy symptoms can differ from another woman's symptoms.

common symptoms of IVF pregnancy

The most common IVF pregnancy symptoms include: 

Bleeding from implantation

Implantation bleeding is one of the most common signs of pregnancy after IVF treatment. During implantation, the fertilized egg attaches itself to the wall of the uterus, and this process can cause bleeding or spotting, which means it's a good signal of IVF success. 

Also, in some cases, during implantation, women can experience slight cramps that look like the beginning of the menstrual cycle. But the difference is that bleeding from implantation can't last more than one day.

Changes in breasts

Tender breasts are one of the common IVF pregnancy symptoms. During IVF treatment, women will have progesterone hormone therapy which can cause tender, sore and heavy breasts. Also, breast changes are caused by natural pregnancy, which results in hormonal levels increasing.

Mood changes or irritability 

Moodiness is also one of the most common signs of IVF pregnancy. Women moods could change from being happy to being sad or angry. It is more common for women to get moody during the first few weeks of pregnancy. 


In the initial stages of pregnancy, many women can experience fatigue. However, most people associate their tiredness with a possible pregnancy. In our lives which are so filled with activity, feeling fatigued is not uncommon in general.

Even if a woman has many signs and symptoms that indicate pregnancy, she shouldn't make a final decision until her doctor has done the tests that confirm the pregnancy.


ivf pregnancy symptoms
Polina Pylypenko • Jul 16, 2021
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